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My fellow wolves I bring news of a new chapter in our journey as a community. Today we start a rebirth of our core community. We have undergone many changes in the past and this is only another page in the book that is our litany. I dubb this new chapter as Rebirth due to our retooled and rebuilt Discord server in order to re-secure our community from those who wish many of you harm because you choose to question narratives or just disagree in a most civil way. Bad Wolves has always been a place of free ideas and escape from the stresses of our personal lives. I apologize I haven’t made this change sooner for us and I hope you all forgive me for the delay.

Join our new server HERE


Now that we are past the top announcement, time to talk about whats been going on behind the scenes in Bad Wolves. Over the past year or so we have had a lot of activity that has ebbed and waned. This activity has been most welcomed and has encouraged one of our community’s founding Alumni’s friends to invest heavily in our community both in leadership and backend support. This friend has gone by several names over the past year, some of you know him as Dylan, Pickle, Dylio, Scyntax, Scyen and most recently as Lumiaris. Whatever name Lumiaris decides to stick by we have many thanks to extend to him for pushing me to complete this discord change and provide the entire community with server hosting services that have been a great addition to those already being provided by Mott, Kiaus and a few other members previously such as Squall888, Tactic and Phoenix.

There has been a reshuffling of leadership and organization within the community over the past few months. Community Guardians who oversee the most integral parts of the community activity and in my absence speak for myself and the Bad Wolves Greater community. Joining the position of Guardian through years of dedication and loyalty to the community and its ideals is none other than Redforest. Over the past years Red has proven he can step up to the helm when needed, come to the aid of his fellow wolves when called and drive a collective as well as organized group to goal to the extent a game will allow these days to say the least. Our other Guardian promotion is none other than Lumiaris who’s dedication and investment in our community is near to all but some of our other Guardians. He provides not only physical hardware and monetary investment but also provides something I can only describe akin to spiritual investment that encourages others in a most positive way within the community and I am personally appreciative of those who do such things. Lumiaris unparalleled is our Warden of the Cairn.

Joining our Moderation and Division Leadership team is Conspir formerly known as SkitSkat. He is currently in charge of our community Zomboid Server. Also an honorable mention and thanks to both ClearlyAnime and CandyMiasma for stepping up and assisting with the organization, leadership and activity in the Lost Ark and New World Divisions this past year. Looking forward to what future games bring with you two.

Game Division News

In Star Citizen News we have forged an Alliance with Stygian Interstellar Corporation. Their team specializes mostly on insertion teams, security and overall combat operations. They have proven a great synergy to our organization’s more air/space focused combat teams and will be an added security for our industry focused teams. So far our experiences in the recent Jump town’s and Xeno Threat have gone great and many of our more active members fly and train with them regularly to keep sharp while we await more content and updates from Imperium Cloud Games. Honorable mentions to Ivan and Buddha who helped bring S.I.C. into our Greater community fold and we are excited for what the next chapter of Star Citizen brings us!

In Ark Survival News our fellow Guardian Mott has reignited his hosting servers to bring us a New Cluster of Servers. Sporting a familiar mod collection of Primal Fear, Ark Eternal and a few new mods which have been bring plenty of challenge to those playing on the current Maps of Crystal Isles, The Island and Lost Isles. Current inhabitants of note is Mott, Cziik, Tink, Drac and Ostego/Kiroch. More Survivors wanted!

We have a new Minecraft server for the community to enjoy! TNP Limitless 5 is the current iteration in the 1.18 version of Minecraft. So far Redforest his menagerie of friends, Sibend, Lumiaris and Finwath are utilizing the server currently. Come explore the pack with them!

Still kicking on US EAST Karta in Lost Ark. We all really wish transfers were a thing. Feels like a slightly better New World 2.0 slightly more single player and having some of the nice caveats of Black Desert the creators most known IP. Reach out to Redforest, ClearlyAnime or CandyMiasma to get into the guild. We have active members available to play throughout the day. Sadly the community really splintered on this game compared to many of us rallying together for New World, albeit both were clamored together rather last minute, Lostark is fun in its own similar to Path of Exile. So if you haven’t yet, check it out.

Project Zomboid server running within the community headed by Conspir and friends still kicking about! Definitely check it out if you got the zombie surival apocalpyse itch! Feel free to join and reach out.

Lastly Redforest has been running Dungeons & Dragons on Saturday evenings and albeit his group being full at the moment they never are shy to have listeners hanging out as long as they are not disruptive. So if you have interest in a fun laid back group on crazy adventures feel free to stop by on Saturdays in Discord. We will have more games in the future, I am personally planing a deep and involved Cyberpunk/Altered Carbon-esk campaign once I am able to stabilizing my existence.

In Closing, I want to personally apologize for my absence and procrastination over the past few months. My health has not been the best and neither is my current financial situation and it has taken a severe toll on me and I have been heavily limiting my interaction with the community due to my abnormally low tolerance to anything at the moment. I apologize and hope everyone can forgive my moment of weakness and challenge at this time. I will do all I can to continue to promote and push this community and our activity forward and welcome anyone who wishes to step up and assist. This is a community built for and by the community. We have weathered the test of time and are looking to our 10th year anniversary this fall. I hope to see you all having fun and enjoying your participation in the great place we call Bad Wolves.
